
Welcome to my creative writing blog! My ability to write is a gift from God that I want to use to bring light to the lives of other people. The purpose of this blog is to allow not only family and friends but also the world to experience my writing and to experience the sublimity of the creative process. I'll be sharing essays, fiction, and poetry, works in progress and the best of what I have to share. Feel free to comment if you have feedback. I will be posting 1-2 times a week depending on what I've produced. I look forward to sharing with you!


Fiction is going to be the genre I will focus on the most in my career. I plan on writing mostly young adult fantasy novels (since that seems to be the tenor of most of my story ideas). I am currently working on my first novel, Northern Warriors, which will be the first novel in the loosely-connected Star Hunter Swords series as well as introduce my fantasy universe. My goal as a writer is to tell my stories in a way that will make the kind of novels I would have liked to read as an adolescent. 

My fantasy world/universe--Just to make a quick side note, magic came from the Universe of Dreams, specifically from the land of Ageria. Most magical beings--nymphs, fairies, dwarfs, trolls, elves, etc.--are Agerians. Agerians are extinct in their homeworld at the present time but exists all over our universe thanks to the Unicorns and the Star Hunters that fly through space. Some of my story ideas take place on other worlds, but mostly they are set on Earth. On Earth specifically, Agerians hide from our advanced society, using magic and warfare to build their own kingdoms. Wizards, who are the mixed offspring of Agerians and humans, are free to mingle with their magical brethren or with mortal society as they please.

Some of my story ideas (all copyright me):

The Star Hunter Swords
Northern Warriors
The Legend of Rapunzel--Yes, some of my stories will be based on fairy tales, what did you expect? 
Briar Rose--and for some reason most of my protagonists are female
The Princess and the Griffin

The Mortal Maidens (for lack of something cooler)
--A story about two sisters in Texas who get involved in a fairy war in the Hill Country. This story will be set in the area near where I grew up. I'm still working on the title.
Kingdom of Wizards
 --A retelling of Beauty and the Beast in which the heroine must choose between an evil fish and a werewolf
I think that's about it for that series

The Thompsonville Trilogy--A three-part story from the history of a village of wizard animals, also set in Texas. I know the first book will be called The Belles of Thompsonville but the titles of the other two volumes are also under debate. This is one of my favorite story ideas.

The King Arthur Agency--Files from the King Arthur Agency, a social services/private investigation bureau for magicians
The Solar Guard
Kiriselda Emmit
maybe a book about an elf that is accidentally adopted by a mortal family but I'm not so sure about that one
and a book about a girl who goes to take out an evil sorcerer and his band of wizard animal pirates--so that will be my pirate adventure

As an avid lover of fantasy and fairy tales, I also write my own fairy tales. One fairy tale that some of my friends and family have heard of is The Tiger and His Bride (or Tigerspell, as I have taken to calling it lately). I have also written Tigerheart, another fairy tale about tigers. I want at least one more story to complete The Tiger Tales, but I am not sure at the moment how this is going to happen. But for now, here are a few pictures I drew of some of the characters from Tigerspell for some children at a clinic I'm volunteering at.

So, that's a look into my brain as far as fiction is concerned. Again, all ideas above copyright (C) Lizy. To summarize: don't expect anything realistic or manly.

And here is a griffin, since griffins are awesome.

: )

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